
Welcome to pianofinders.com. Over
the coming years, we will continue to add articles that we hope you will enjoy and find
helpful as well. You can check here to see what has been added since your last
visit. There are several ways to access information through this site. The
bars in the borders of each page have links to articles by subjects of interest. An
alphabetical listing of all articles in this site is contained in the Index.
These are the Articles and Links posted on
this site:
May 2005
We are
currently adding 8 sections with more photographs and
descriptions to our Piano Rebuilding Section. We have just added the
following sections:
May 21, 2004
We have revised our
Pianos For Sale section. You can now manage your own listings, placing
pianos up for sale, searching pianos wanted, closing listings for pianos
that have already sold, etc.
January 1, 2004
You no longer have to go through a registration process to
use the site for services that are free. Username and
passwords are only needed for restricted areas of the
We have posted a new PF
Member Agreement effective 1-1-04.
December 4, 2001
We have added our
Audio Visual section, featuring
three videos from Piano Finders television broadcasts, including a
Classical Music Video, an excerpt from the Kendall Ross Bean Children's
Concerts and a 1 minute piece on Piano Rebuilding in the Piano Finders
Concord Shop.
December 1, 2001
We have updated the
Piano Finders Standard.
November 24, 2001
October 2, 2001
September 5, 2001
Bench and Lamp Sale with Free Shipping!
We pre-screened 2,000 piano technician's across the
United States and Canada to do tunings and inspections for our
clients. So far, we have added 45 technicians from 24 states plus
Canada and Africa. Now if you need to hire a technician, you can
do so online. Go to Hire
a Technician. If we don't have a technician in your area,
then email us and we will find one for you.
August 7, 2001
February 7, 2001
We added several new search categories for the Pianos
for Sale section. Now you will only see pianos for sale
instead of all the pianos that have been sold as well, unless you
choose the option to see sold pianos. Also you can search for
pianos by age, cabinet finish, and style in addition to all the other
search categories that existed before. Go to Pianos
for Sale.
January 19, 2001
January 11, 2001
January 10, 2001
January 9, 2001
We have now added a catalogue of piano and organ
benches, piano lights and we will be updating it daily to include,
piano covers, piano moving equipment, castor cups, instrument care
items and all the accessories that you might need for your
piano. Check out our current catalogue with our Piano
Finders Store Search Tool.
We have improved our pianos for sale database for by
making it possible for you to:
Search by the location of the piano (by state,
city, country)
See photographs for pianos (where they have been
provided by the seller)
Link from the piano database to the photo showroom
when more information is available about a piano for sale.
It is no longer necessary for piano sellers to fill
out two separate forms in order to list their pianos for sale on
our database. Now you can just fill out one form, with the
contract included and your piano is entered for listing. List
your piano for sale now.
December 27, 2000
November 14, 2000
October 15, 2000
We have shortened the URL's (addresses) within the
buyer's section of the website, so they are easier to type in for
those coming to the site from other locations. This means that
the words "smartguide" no longer appear as part of the
address. If you have tagged certain pages for re-entry in your
browser (for example for the Price
Comparison Guide), you will need to go back to the home page,
enter in through the Piano Buyers section
and find those addresses again and remark them in your browser
favorites. You might also want to "refresh/reload" the
pages in the web to make sure you are getting the newest updates.
October 14, 2000
We have begun an extensive programming project to
improve the Buyer's Smart Guide so that buyers will soon have many
more tools to help them shop and compare pianos. Today, we added
easy navigation features to the Buyer's
Smart Guide. It will now be easier for buyers to find
the rich resources available on this website.
October 4, 2000
September 22, 2000
We have adding
the following statement the bottom of the more than 800 pages in
this site: "Use
of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Piano
Finders Member Agreement and Privacy
Policy". This will make it easy for you to find access
to these documents from any page within our site.
We have also
added the #2914 as part of our address, as now required by the U.S.
Postal Service for delivering out mail. When addressing mail to
us in the future, the address should read as follows, with the exact
spacing and line divisions indicated below:
Piano Finders #2914
2121 North California Blvd., Suite 290
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
September 16, 2000
- We have updated our Piano Finders Members Contract. The old member
contract is available to view at:
PF Member Contract
- The new contract is available at to view at:
Piano Finders Member Contract
- All members who signed up under the old contract shall have 30 days
to notify Piano Finders if they wish to remove their name from the
membership list and not agree to the new contract. If Piano Finders
does not hear from members who signed up under the old contract within
30 days, it they will be governed by the new contract as of 10/16/00.
- The new contract will apply to all those who use this site and/or
sign up as Piano Finders Members on or after 9/16/00.
- If you have any questions, feel free to
contact us by email. /contactus.htm
August 25, 2000
August 12, 2000
We have now created a section of our website where
buyers can list what they are looking for. Up until now, buyers
could only communicate with us by email. This limited our
ability to help them if a piano wasn't already listed on our
site. Now they can post their search on the web (without
revealing personal information to the public) for potential sellers to
see. This allows sellers to check to see if the piano they are selling
already has a buyer looking for it before they list with us.
Buyers can post on our site by clicking on Buyers:
Piano Search. Sellers and buyers can view the Buyers
Searches by clicking on Buyer's
Search Listing.
July 27, 2000
We are now offering three new Selling
Service Options to help you sell your piano. Previous to
today, it was not possible for a seller to list their piano directly
onto our website or submit seller agreements online. All
documents were handled by mail and fax and the turn around time was
much slower than it will be now.
We have revised the entire Piano
Sellers section to make it easy for you to access the information
and services you need.
We have added a Piano
Purchase Offer contract online so that buyers can immediately
submit offers on pianos they are interested in.
We have set up our Piano
Escrow Services
We have updated the Piano
Finders Fees section to include the Escrow & Contract Service.
July 26, 2000
We completed the Piano Finders Security
System. This system allows us to password protect the
portions of this website that are for Piano Finders Members
only. Those who want to become Piano Finders Members may now register
The Piano Finders Price Comparison Guide is now
accessible only through the Piano Finders Security System. There
is also a link into the guide directly from the PFPCG
Intro Page for those who already have already paid for the guide
and received authorization from the Administrator to have access to
it. Those who bought the Guide before this system was put into
effect, will need to follow the instructions on the following page in
order to set up continued access: Click
July 14, 2000
We did research for you on the laws that apply to escrow
companies and piano movers. We decided to post these laws directly
on our site for your convenience. Some of the government sites they
came from were difficult to navigate and we wanted this information
readily available to all. You can get access to these laws through the
following pages:
July 7, 2000
June 1, 2000
We added several pages to
the About Us Section.
May 30, 2000
We currently added a new section to our website that is full of great
photos of our piano rebuilding process. Whether or not you plan on
rebuilding a vintage instrument, this is a fascinating subject and worth
the educational tour.
The month of January, 2000
We are currently adding several options to the Pianos
for Sale list. You can now search a list of several hundred
pianos by price, by ratings, by ID and by brand.
We are also updating other pages within the website to
include references to these new additions to the Pianos for Sale list
December 6, 1999
The Piano
Finders Shopping Service is now free to all buyers. Check out the
latest details.
The Piano Finders
Standard has been updated and all pianos available through the
Piano Finders Shopping Service have now been rated against this standard.
Over 500 pianos for sale are now available and
rated. Although we have not yet posted these pianos on the
website (still constructing the interface), we can fax a copy to you
or attach an Excel or Word file to an email so that you can review
it. Submit your request through the Piano
Finders Shopping Order Form.
Definitions for categories on your Pianos for Sale
list are now available on the web at Definitions.
November 19, 1999
October 25, 1999
October 20, 1999
October 4, 1999
September 30, 1999
September 21, 1999
An interactive Smart
Guide to Buying a Piano. This contains links to over 100 pages
of articles & information.
A special Buyer's
Library section highlighting the articles that will be of special
interest to the buyer.
What Piano Finders Can
Tell You About a Piano
Updated links throughout the
site to include over 50 new listed under the above mentioned categories.
Tell Me More sections for the
Comprehensive Appraisal Service
and the Consultation
August 14, 1999
Updated the Services
& Products Page and To
Those Who Want More Information On Any Piano.
Restructured internal structure of the web so that additions of major
sections in future will be easier for designers. This will not be
obvious to users. URL's for specific pages within the web have
changed. So if a user has linked specific pages to their favorites
section, or has other references to URL's within the site, they may need
to be updated. The home page URL has not changed, nor have the
navigation bars within the site, so it should be fairly easy to find what
the new address is for the page you are missing.
Added the following pages:
Tell Me More about the Ballpark
Piano and Information Service
Ballpark Service Email
July 24, 1999
Service and Repair FAQ's has been added.
July 13, 1999
The Ballpark Price Form has
now been changed to the Ballpark Price & Piano
Information Service Order Form. The older form is no longer accessible
at this site. Our new form allows you to purchase our services directly
from your computer without having to cut and paste, fax or mail your order
to us. (But, you can still fax or mail us if you choose.)
A Payment
Entry Form has been added to allow Secure Server access when you pay
for Piano Finders Services online. This protects all your privacy and
confidential information during the process of payment.
A Terms
and Conditions page for the Ballpark Price and Piano Information
Service has been linked to several places within the site.
Other pages that make
references to these above mentioned pages have been edited to include the
new links.
July 12, 1999
Those Who Want More Information On Any Piano
June 22, 1999
Added Section on "Rebuilt or
Reconditioned Pianos" to
A Short Guide to the Piano World
Added links to resources outside this website
and updated Piano Finders Services & Products descriptions on the following pages:
Piano Buyers
Piano Sellers
Services and Products
May 4, 1999
Added Ballpark
Price Form to Piano Questionnaire
Updated links and descriptions in Piano Appraisals
April 28, 1999
Link to: "Fine-Tuning a
Niche in Music", Contra Costa Times"
Links to: Better Business Bureau Online at various places within the site,
through BBB logo.
March 19, 1999
Media Features
As of February 17, 1999
A Short Guide to the
Piano World
Piano Comparison Chart
As of February 2, 1999.
About Us
Buyer's FAQ's
Buyer's Values
How to Find the Serial # on a Grand
How to Find the Serial # on an
How to Measure a Piano
Our Pledge
Piano Appraisals
Piano Buyers
Piano Inspection Report
Piano Manual
Piano Owners
Piano Questionnaire
Piano Salespeople
Piano Sellers
Piano Teachers
Piano Technicians
Piano Values Appraisal R1.0
Piano Values Appraisal R1.1
Seller's FAQs
Services and Products
Tech Talk
The Rebirth of a Piano
Top of Page